The Saint Louis Psychoanalytic Society


Revised March 1, 2014


ARTICLE I:  Name and Purpose of the Society

SECTION 1:  Name. The name of this organization shall be: ST. LOUIS PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY.

SECTION 2: Purpose. The general purpose of the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Society is to foster the growth of and advances in psychoanalysis. In keeping with this purpose, it shall provide an organization for affiliation with and communication with other organizations of like purpose, such as the American Psychoanalytic Association and its component societies. Specifically for the St. Louis area, it shall stimulate interest in the education of psychoanalysts, foster scientific discourse among psychoanalysts, and with qualified experts in other fields, advance knowledge concerning the application of psychoanalysis. In addition, it shall seek to maintain proper standards of psychoanalytic practice, and to attempt positively to influence the standards of psychiatric practice in the community.

ARTICLE II: Membership in the Society

SECTION 1: Classes of Members. There shall be six classes of members:

  1. Regular members
  2. Special members
  3. Honorary members
  4. Life members
  5. Candidate members
  6. Corresponding members


SECTION 2: Qualifications for Regular Membership.

A person shall be eligible for election as a regular member if he or she is a clinical or non-clinical graduate of an institute approved by the American Psychoanalytic Association for the education of psychoanalysis, or is a clinical or non-clinical graduate of a training facility approved by the International Psychoanalytic Association.  A clinical graduate is defined as an individual who has completed the didactic and clinical sections of an educational program in an institute approved by the American Psychoanalytic Association or by the International Psychoanalytic Association and has graduated from such an institution.  A non-clinical graduate is defined as an individual who has completed only the didactic portion of a psychoanalytic training program in an accredited institution identified above.

SECTION 3: Qualifications for Special Membership.

Any person who does not fulfill the requirements for regular membership but who possesses a special interest in psychoanalysis may be proposed by any regular or life member for membership as a special member. These must be individuals who have established their special professional qualifications in a field other than psychoanalysis and who through their professional competence demonstrate their capacity to contribute to the purposes of the Society. In addition, graduates of the Advanced Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program, and Child Development Program are eligible to become Special Members. A Special member may be appointed by the President to any Committee of the Society. Special members do not have the right to vote.

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SECTION 4: Qualifications for Honorary Membership.

Any person who has made a significant and notable contribution to the field of psychoanalysis shall be eligible for election as an honorary member.

SECTION 5: Qualifications for Life Membership.

A person shall be eligible for life membership if he or she has been a member of the Society for 30 years or has reached the age of 70.

SECTION 6: Qualifications for Candidate Membership.

A person shall be eligible for election as a candidate member if he or she has been accepted for training in psychoanalysis at an approved Institute or a provisionally approved training center.

SECTION 7: Qualifications for Corresponding Membership.

A person shall be eligible for election as a corresponding member if such person has the qualifications for regular membership and does not live within the usual geographic boundaries of the Society.

SECTION 8: Membership of any type shall be conferred only after an applicant's credentials have been processed by the Membership Committee and have been approved by a majority of the voting members of the Society at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

SECTION 9: Status of Candidate Membership. A candidate member shall have the following rights: to attend any meetings of the Society and participate to the same extent as a regular member, including the right to vote on any issue.  Candidate members may hold office if they are advanced candidates in good standing at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute.  A candidate member may be appointed by the President as a Chair or member to any committee of the Society. The status of a candidate member shall automatically be terminated 90 days following graduation from the approved Institute or provisionally approved training center, or immediately upon termination, prior to graduation, of the permission granted such person to engage in supervised psychoanalysis. In the case of non-clinical candidates, the Membership Committee may recommend termination of membership to the Society at any time that such recommendation is deemed appropriate by the Committee. A majority vote of the Society shall be decisive in regard to the acceptance of this recommendation.

ARTICLE III: Meetings of Members

SECTION 1: Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held at stated intervals, as determined by the Society. At the discretion of the Program Committee, these meetings may be open to psychoanalytic candidates and other interested persons, or may be open only to members of the Society. Such meetings shall consist of a scientific program or a business meeting, or both, to be determined by the President. All voting and non voting members may attend business meetings of the Society.

SECTION 2: Semiannual Business Meetings. There shall be two administrative meetings. These shall be held in St. Louis in the spring and fall at such time and place to be determined by the President.

SECTION 3: Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called by the President, on his own motion, and must be called by the President, in response to a request in writing signed by not less than four members entitled to vote.

SECTION 4: Notice of Meetings. For regular meetings, adequate notice shall be given to all members in advance of the meeting. For special meetings, and the semiannual business meetings, not less than two days nor more than thirty days written notice shall be given to all members.

SECTION 5: Minutes and Agenda. Prior to regular meetings, the Secretary shall provide each voting member with a copy of the minutes of the preceding regular meeting and a copy of the proposed agenda for the next regular meeting. Any voting member may place an item of business on the agenda by informing the Secretary prior to the meeting or during the meeting.

SECTION 6: Voting Privileges. Each regular, canddiate, and life member shall have one vote on any one issue at all meetings of members. Voting for election of officers shall be by written, secret ballot. Otherwise, voting shall be open unless one or more members request a secret ballot. Voting members unable to attend have an option to vote by proxy ballot to arrive at the President�s Office at least 24 hours prior to the vote count.

SECTION 7: Quorum. At each meeting, the presence of l0 members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum. Any action authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of all members present and entitled to vote at any such meeting at which a quorum is present, shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute action by the Members, unless otherwise required by any applicable provision of law or by the Bylaws.

ARTICLE IV: Officers and Terms of Office

SECTION 1: Officers. The officers of this Society shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, all to be elected as hereinafter provided.

SECTION 2: Eligibility for Election to Office. Only regular members of the Society shall be eligible for election as officers of the Society, except when the nominee is a Candidate member and an Advanced Candidate in good standing at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. 

SECTION 3: Election of Officers. The President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Society shall be elected for a term of two years by the members entitled to vote. The election shall take place at a fall business meeting of members. After completion of the President�s term, he or she shall be succeeded in office by the President-Elect.

SECTION 4: Powers and Duties of the Officers.

  1. President-Elect. The President-Elect during his or her term shall perform the duties of the President in the case of the President's absence, death, disability, or resignation. In the event of the death, resignation, or permanent disability of the President, the President-Elect shall become President.
  2. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Society. The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the members and all other notices required or permitted by law or by these Bylaws. The Secretary shall certify all official acts requiring certification. The Secretary shall collaborate with the chairman of the Program Committee in arranging the scientific program. The Secretary shall send a copy of the Bylaws to each new member promptly upon his election to membership. The Secretary shall perform all the other duties incident to the office of the Secretary of a corporation of this character.
  3. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds, securities, evidences of indebtedness and other valuable documents of the Society, and shall deposit the same in the name and to the credit of the Society. The Treasurer shall make all disbursements for the Society, subject to the approval or authorization of the membership. The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, and shall enter, or cause to be entered in appropriate books of accounts of the Society to be kept for that purpose, full and accurate account of all moneys received and paid for the account of the Society, and he shall render an annual report of the receipts and disbursements of the Society at each annual meeting thereof. The books of account may be examined at any time by any member of the Society. In the absence or disability of the President and President-Elect, the Treasurer shall perform their duties. The Treasurer shall perform all other duties incident to the office of the Treasurer of an association of this character.

ARTICLE V: Representatives

SECTION 1: Special representatives and their alternates shall be elected by the members from time to time, on the nomination by the President or by nominations from the floor. Representatives' duties and functions shall be decided upon by the members and so specified at the time of election. Delegates and alternate delegates to the Executive Council of the American Psychoanalytic Association. Members of the Board of Professional Standards must be members of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

ARTICLE VI: Executive Committee

SECTION 1: Organization. The Executive Committee shall consist of the duly elected officers of the Society.

SECTION 2. Duties. The Executive Committee shall advice and assist the officers of the Society in conducting the business of the Society and shall be responsible to the membership. The Executive Committee shall study matters not specifically delegated to other committees and make recommendations for consideration and voting by the members. Specifically, the Executive Committee will act as a grievance committee. Problems or complaints must be presented to the committee in writing by the aggrieved person or by any member. The Executive Committee shall study the matter and make recommendations for voting by the members, or, in the case of a violation of ethics, refer to the Standing Joint Society Faculty Ethics Committee. Any disciplinary action relative to a grievance not considered an ethical violation must be approved by two-thirds of the voting members present (a quorum being present). Ethical disciplinary actions are spelled out in the section on Ethics, Article X111.

ARTICLE VII: Nominating Committee

SECTION 1: Organization. A Nominating Committee of not more than three regular or affiliate members of the Society shall be appointed by the President and shall consist of members who are not currently officers of the Society.

SECTION 2: Duties. At the spring meeting of members, the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for election of officers and Executive Councilors. Voting on these nominees shall occur at the next meeting of members.

SECTION 3: Nomination by Members. At the time of nomination of officers, any voting member may nominate from the floor.

ARTICLE VIII: Membership Committee

SECTION 1: Organization. Immediately following the fall semiannual business Meeting, the President shall appoint a committee of not less than three members to act as a Membership Committee. This committee shall serve until the appointment of a new Membership Committee following the next fall semiannual meeting, in which an election of officers shall take place.

ARTICLE IX: Program Committee

SECTION 1: Organization. A Program Committee of three members shall be appointed by the President, following the annual Meeting of members, in which an election of officers shall take place.

SECTION 2: Duties. The Program committee shall arrange the dates, places, program and publicity for all Scientific Meetings, secure the speakers, and provide suitable accommodations for out-of-town speakers.

ARTICLE X: Dues and Fees

SECTION 1: Annual Dues. The annual dues of each regular, special, affiliate, or corresponding member shall be determined each year by the Executive Committee, such action to be approved by the vote of the membership. Honorary and life members are not required to pay any dues. If dues are changed, it shall only be with the consent of the membership. Dues shall be payable on the l5th of October of each year. �he Treasurer shall send out notices of the dues to each member by September l5.

SECTION 2: Delinquent Dues. If dues are not paid by December 1, the Treasurer shall so inform the Executive Committee. If after a period of 12 months and after at least 3 notices have been mailed informing the member of his or her delinquent dues and there is no payment of such dues, membership will be terminated.

ARTICLE XI: Amendments

SECTION 1: Amendments of Bylaws. These Bylaws may be amended in whole or in part (and any such amended Bylaws or parts thereof may in turn be amended), as hereinafter provided in this Article XI.

SECTION 2: Amendments-How Made. Any voting member may offer a proposed amendment to the Bylaws by submitting it in writing to the Secretary. Thereafter, the full text of each such amendment shall be submitted to each voting member of the Society, and such amendments shall then be placed on the agenda for discussion at the next regular meeting of the Society. The amendments shall then be voted on at the next regular meeting of the Society. It shall be deemed adopted if approved by two-thirds of the voting members present at such meeting (a quorum being present).

ARTICLE XII: Sundry Provisions

SECTION 1: Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Society shall be the twelfth month period ending on June 30.

SECTION 2: Rules of Order. Parliamentary usage, as set forth in Robert�s Rules of Order, as periodically revised, shall govern at all meetings of the Society.

ARTICLE XIII: Joint Society and Ethics Committee

There shall be a Joint Ethics Committee of the Society/Institute (Committee), which has the responsibility for dealing with charges of ethical misconduct brought against members of either organization. The procedures of the Committee shall conform to the current version of the Principles and Standards of Ethics for Psychoanalysts (Principles) and to the Provisions for Implementation of the Principles and Standards of Ethics for Psychoanalysts (Provisions) of the American Psychoanalytic Association (Association), adopted by the Association in December 2000.

The Committee shall consist of five members, each to be appointed for a five-year staggered term. The terms are renewable once. After a five-year hiatus, members may be reappointed. The President of the Society and the Director of the Institute shall jointly appoint the chair and the four other members, all of whom should be members of both organizations. At least one member must be a child analyst.

Should a member be unable to serve a full term, or need to be recused in an individual case, the President and the Director shall jointly appoint a replacement.

When an ethical complaint is brought to the attention of the Society or the Institute, an initial attempt may be made to resolve the problem through an informal procedure. This may be accomplished by a referral to the Patient and Colleague Assistance Committee of the Institute. The composition and procedures of this committee are described in the Institute's Procedural Code.

If it is considered that a violation of the Principles has occurred and there is no satisfactory resolution achieved through an informal investigation, then a formal procedure will be initiated. The potential complainant shall be furnished with copies of the Committee's procedures for dealing with complaints of unethical conduct and the Association's Principles and Provisions. The complaint must identify the charged member; it must be made in writing and be signed by the complainant; it must clearly state the facts and circumstances surrounding the charge of unethical conduct, citing, if possible, the applicable principles alleged to have been breached; and it must be accompanied by a signed statement agreeing to the Committee's and Association's procedures.

The charged member shall be notified of the complaint and provided with copies of the complaint and other materials submitted by the complainant, the Committee's procedures for handling complaints, and a copy of the Association's Provisions.

The Committee shall determine whether the complaint merits investigation under the ethical standards established by the Principles. If not, the complainant and charged member shall be informed in writing. If the complaint does merit further investigation, the complainant and the charged member shall be informed in writing and notified of the right to a hearing and that during the investigation and hearing, the rights set out in Provisions, Section III F shall apply. The Society or Institute shall not be required to accept a resignation from a member against whom a charge of ethical misconduct is pending.

In cases involving a Society member, upon completion of its investigation, the Committee, in addition to any report to the Institute, shall report back to the Executive Committee its findings, including its recommendation for one of the courses of action described in the Provisions, Section IV D; exoneration: dismissal of complaint without prejudice; dismissal of complaint with prejudice; censure; suspension, not to exceed three years; separation for the rolls for not less than five years; or permanent expulsion. By majority vote, the Executive Committee shall then accept the Ethic Committee's recommendation, modify it, or return it for further deliberation. Upon further investigation, the Committee shall report its recommendation for the Executive Committee's approval, disapproval, or modification.

Upon arriving at a decision, the Executive Committee shall advise the charged member, the complainant, and in cases where the charged member is a member of the Association, the President of the Association, the Chair of the Board on Professional Standards, as well as the Ethics Committee for the Association, and the action taken by the Society.

When a member of the Association has been censored, suspended, or expelled from a local psychoanalytic group, or if his/her Faculty status in an accredited Institute has been suspended or terminated, there will be an automatic review of the case by the Ethics Committee of the Association. When the disciplinary action is other than those listed above, the Association shall undertake a review if a formal request is made to the President of the Association by he member charged, the complainant, or the Society within 60 days after notification of the local group's decision. The review is based primarily on the record of the local group's investigation.

Further written briefs may be requested, as well as a personal appearance before the Ethics Committee of the Association by the complainant, the member charged, or representatives of the Institute. The Ethics Committee of the Association may differ from the Society's decision and recommend a different course of action. On the basis of its review, the Ethics Committee of the Association may decide to consult with the Society, regarding its procedures, its interpretation of the Principles, and its decision regarding the conduct complained of and the sanctions imposed. However, the Association may not otherwise reverse or modify the decision of the Society. The further steps in the Association's review process are described in the Provisions.

If the decision of the Association differs from that of the Society by finding no ethical misconduct, the charged members may appeal the Society's decision, provided that the appeal is made within sixty days of the Association's final decision. The person appealing has two options. The first is that the President of the Society and the President of the Institute shall jointly appoint an Ad Hoc Appeals Committee, consisting of five members, each of whom shall be a member of both organizations, none of whom are members of the Ethics Committee and one is a child analyst. The Appeals Committee will gather other information it deems necessary.

It may, but shall not be required to, request additional written statements from the concerned parties or their legal counsel. It may in its discretion, hold further hearings, which it deems necessary, and may consult legal counsel. The second option is that the charged member may appeal to the full member-ship of the Society within sixty days of the Association's final decision. Written notice to the membership of such action shall be required at least thirty days in advance of the scheduled Society meeting. The vote shall be by written ballot. Upholding the recommendation of the Executive Committee shall require a 60% majority of Society members present. With both options, the decision of the Ad Hoc Appeals Committee of the Society is binding.

In the event that the charged member is not a member of the American Psychoanalytic Association, the decision of the Committee may be appealed locally by the charged member or the complainant. The charged member shall have the same two options for the appeals process as described in the paragraph above. The decision of the Ad Hoc Appeals Committee of the Society is binding.

All records pertaining to a charge of ethical misconduct shall be kept confidential except in the following instances:

  1. A decision relating to a charge of unethical conduct which has been ratified by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Society with identification of the member if the decision has resulted in the suspension, separation from the rolls or expulsion of the member from the Society. If the decision has resulted in censure, the name of the member will be included at the discretion of the Executive Committee. If the decision has been to dismiss the charges or to exonerate the member, the member will be identified only on his or her written request.
  2. The Executive Committee may disclose a decision concerning a charge of unethical conduct to other appropriate ethical bodies, or, when required by law, to appropriate governmental or other entities.
  3. The Executive Committee may report an ethics complaint or a Decision finding that a member has acted unethically to any licensing authority, professional society or other entity or person if it considers such disclosure appropriate to protect the public.